Sunday, April 8, 2012

First Easter

This was the best Easter ever! Truly, it was a great day. Actually, it started last night with the Easter vigil mass. I had sponsored someone in RCIA who was baptized and confirmed last night. Seven was an angel through the entire (very long) mass! And it was a great moment for my sponsee (is that a word?).

Seven did not have such a great sleeping night. I'm sure he was just so excited for the Easter bunny. And, yes, Seven got a little present in his basket.

My ILs and my sister and her family came out for Easter brunch. We have a new patio and brand new patio table. The weather was absolutely perfect and so we ate outside. Our annual Easter egg hunt was a lot more fun now that we had actual plants and other things in our backyard. We played some games and just enjoyed being outside in the beautiful weather. Our backyard is very shaded, so Seven could be outside without really getting too much sun.

We finished it off with some with my mom and everyone at their Easter dinner. Perfect day!


  1. Yay! Sounds like a great day!

    We actually forgot to give Ginny her Easter treats. Doh!

  2. Missy you both look so happy with your gorgeous little boy. I love looking at these family photos, everything has finally clicked into place for you! It looks like you had a fantastic Easter!I'm so happy for you:)

  3. Wonderful. You look so happy and content. I'm so happy for you and amazed that he made it through Easter Vigil mass... way to go Seven!!!

  4. Everyone looks so happy! I'm glad you had a great Easter.


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