Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Losing hope

My BBT temp dropped today, which puts this cycle right in line with two of my previous clomid and timed intercourse cycles that, obviously, were not successful. So I am quickly losing hope that this worked. I don't know what to think. This for me is the worst part of the wait. You've lost hope but can't move on. I can't quite say I'm disappointed, although I am. Or I should be. I don't really feel much of anything now, just that it's probably over and I don't want to wait a few days for AF to finally show.


  1. Missy, I'm sorry about the temp drop. That stinks.

  2. I'm sorry that you are feeling that it's a bust this time - I agree - it's a horrible kind of limbo like feeling. I hope you can treat yourself today or have hubby treat you!

  3. I'm sorry that you're feeling out.

    I stopped temping so long ago just because I couldn't stand knowing but not being to get on with the inevitable.

    Could it possibly be an implant dip though? (But I guess it'll be tomorrow before you know that.)

  4. That's the double-edged sword of temping. I personally like knowing AF is coming, because it's a more gentle, gradual let-down than a BFN. But it SUCKS knowing, at the same time. I hope it's a fluke temp. In all honesty, it is NOT over til it's over!

  5. Sorry you are feeling down! It's not over till it's over!

  6. It sucks when you get a sign like this... but maybe just maybe? In my book, it ain't over to the red lady sings! Though waiting for her to turn up or not is agonizing...sending you hugs

  7. I'm so sorry :( I know that feeling. But I will hope for you, because it's not over yet!

  8. I am very sorry about your temp drop. I hope that it will jump back up tomorrow and you will still see success this cycle.

  9. I'm still hoping that it's like Clare said-it's not over til AF shows! Are you planning to use an EPT at all, Missy? Or would you prefer to wait for AF a bit more first? I think definitely spend some 'me' time if you can-do yoga, shopping, eating, movies, just whatever does it for you. xx

  10. Nominated you for a blog award on my blog :)


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