Monday, April 12, 2010

IUI and tax deductions

We did our second IUI today. So now that is in the history books! Hopefully it will be one to remember for history. It is funny how quickly we progress into a next stage of things. With our first IUI, I had all these plans to do something *special* for DH to give him some inspiration. And then we went out to lunch before the procedure and I took the whole afternoon off afterward. It was a big deal.

Today was much different. After I got a hold of the nurse, I called him and told him what time to show up for his duty. He did manage to take time off work to come with me for the IUI, so we went to that together again. But then I rushed back to work for another meeting. We are only on our second IUI and it is already seeming so standard, just a normal thing to fit into our day. Just like putting "get impregnated" under "pick up dry cleaning" and "go to bank" on the day's to-do list.

Speaking of things I needed to do today. We finally finished our taxes. Just another reason to be jealous of all those fertiles and their little tax deductions running around.


  1. Oooh, I hope this IUI is the one, Missy. Sending all kinds of BFP vibes your way!

  2. Praying... keeping things crossed for you... hoping and hoping that this is the cycle for you.

  3. It's scary how quickly it becomes 'normal' life.

    Wishing you lots of luck with this IUI - let's hope that your future 'normal' doesn't involve trips to the clinic!

  4. Good Luck. I hope that this IUI does the trick!

  5. I hope this is "the one" for you two, and that next year you have your own little tax deduction:D

  6. Yes, I love the checklist with "get impregnated" and "pick up laundry." So true. I hope this is your month!

  7. No Kidding! I just wrote a big fat check to Uncle Sam and my sister, who has 3 kids, got more money back than she paid in. IF stuff should totally be tax deductible!!! The check I wrote would have paid for 1 IVF cycle.


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