When Mel's book first came out, I went to several bookstores to look for it. First I went to a Bord.ers. I'm not one to ask for help and prefer to find books on my own, so I started walking around the store. But what section should I look in?
To my right was a section called "books your friends are reading." Well, all my blogging friends are reading it, but that probably is not what they mean. Then I passed the romance section-clearly there are no IF books in there. I thought I would check out the health section and on my passed a table with "current interest" books-you know, where they valentine books in early February. That was a mistake. This being spring, the biggest book on the table was What to Expect When You're Expecting. Bleh. It turns out this bookstore was going through renovations and the health section didn't exist. I broke down and went to ask a clerk, who checked their computer and said the book wouldn't arrive for a few more weeks.
Several weeks later I tried again at another large bookstore. I headed down to the health section and passed the children's area, right next to the parenting section. Please. Don't let it be in there. I didn't find Mel's book, but there was a small IF section in the health section, right nex to surviving breast cancer.
I gave up on my search for the book during the summer (sorry, Mel). But today I happened to be in a building next to our public library downtown. The library gives free parking if you check out a book, so my plan was to park in their garage and check out a book when I was done with my meeting.
I wasn't quite sure what to get and was browsing through their new books. I saw an IF book and that's when it clicked, I wonder if they have Mel's book or any of the other books I've been meaning to read. I headed on over to the catalog and did some searching. I couldn't find Mel's book, but did find two other that were of interest.
What I found most interesting was where these books were shelved. The IF books seemed to be placed in two different locations. The first was placed some prostate cancer books and a book on viagra. The second was between menopause and breast cancer. I find that interesting. IF is not men's health and not women's health. It affects us both.
Dancing in the Rain…
6 years ago
I completely agree that IF is not a women's health or a men's health issue. However, I'd certainly rather see it there than in the "Pregnancy & Parenting" section. I never understand that...making people who want nothing more than to be able to buy the pregnancy book go there to buy their infertility book. :-(