Sunday, August 2, 2009

Casual conversation

I reached a new point of being able to talk about IF without going crazy or breaking down. And it was even with my in-laws. Last night we went to dinner with them. We started talking about baseball and the topic of the various drug charges in baseball came up. My father-in-law said he was willing to believe Manny Ramirez when it was first revealed he failed a drug test, but now it is discovered he was on the steroid list in 2003. I guess he didn't know what drug Manny was on and I brought up that he was on HCG, so it is highly unlikely that this was some innocent doctor's order gone awry. That led to me explaining what HCG was and when I took it. And before I could even recognize that we were on this topic, it was back to baseball and whether anyone on the steroid list would make it to the hall of fame.


  1. Yay! Good for you! It's an important step.

  2. Good for you! Casual conversation is a good goal to have in this business. What would hcg do for a guy?

  3. Tireegal, I have no idea what the legitimate reason for a guy to be on HCG would be. I did read that it can mask the effects of steroids, so it's probably a sign he was also taking somethng else.

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